by Chris MM Gordon | Jul 31, 2016 | Chris MM Gordon
Spell of the Yukon and other verses Robert William Service THE CALL OF THE WILD Have you gazed on naked grandeur where there’s nothing else to gaze on, Set pieces and drop-curtain scenes galore, Big mountains heaved to heaven, which the blinding sunsets...
by chris | Oct 27, 2014 | Chris MM Gordon
Festivals & Songs Ireland does a few things well. For the Bram Stoker Festival for 2014, Macnas Ireland performed a through-the-streets parade with song and dance and art and light. #bitemedublin lit up the Twittershere and a lot of Dubliners were made happy. Were...
by chris | Oct 21, 2014 | Chris MM Gordon
Irish Resources for Irish Organisations I am going through a lot of sites at the moment to figure out what is in the space for entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs. I used to think that there were a handful but there are quite a good number of resources available...
by chris | Oct 13, 2014 | Chris MM Gordon
This one is a long time coming. What better time than with a new website to launch a blog. Time will tell if it holds but this is something that I want to have happen so I am committing to see if I can write something. Even if it is very small. Work on the website...